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Trash for Trees

Non Profit Org   |   Includes : Brand + Website Design / Build, UX Research, Custom Icons / Illustrations, Copywriting

Trash for Trees is a Missouri-local non profit, partnering with local businesses in St. Louis to transform communities one tree at a time. Through sponsorship, they are able to plant trees in residents' yards, enhancing the environment, and fostering greener spaces. With a group of dedicated volunteers, their mission focuses on cleaning up neighborhoods and educating fellow community members, all while bringing back the area's essential native trees.

This project was an amazing experience; building a brand and site from the ground up for such a good cause. I love working with impactful organizations and non profits - anything that can further a movement is a great project in my book. Take a look at the end results of our hard work below:



The Trash for Trees mission is simple: to reduce trash in the St. Louis community while re-introducing diminishing native trees into urban environments.


With an incredible and dedicated group of volunteers, they're able to foster greener spaces and education for a brighter, cleaner future.

The Site

The Trash for Trees site needed to be the epitome of their brand: it's the central gathering place for all of their community members. I made sure to implement their core beliefs into every step of the process. 

From creating custom illustrations and iconography to curating a massive gallery of on-brand stock photography to get them going; this project really started from a seed and grew into a mighty oak.

The core goal of the site is to lead community members who are eligible to request a tree/sapling to the store page. Each person is able to request a certain number of trees, add them to their cart, and checkout for free. This helps Trash for Trees keep a continuously updating list of who has requested a tree and how many they have "in stock", or available from their donator. 

Check out more of the site build here 

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